You would like to experience us at home? Among our CD recordings and online releases you will find a variety of interesting musical rarities! Together with the label Arcantus, we have been dedicating ourselves to lesser-known repertoire since 2019. Our CD’s, which include several world premiere recordings, are available in every well-stocked music store, as well as all common streaming providers. Of course, you can also order from us by e-mail (

Christmas Cantatas
Johann Philipp Käfer was the predecessor of Johann Melchior Molter as the court music director at the court of Baden-Durlach, before being dismissed in 1722 due to a dispute over salary and vacation. Many of his works have been lost, but this recording aims to offer a small glimpse into his creative output. Käfer initially worked as an organist and music director in Hildburghausen. The three cantatas for Epiphany, The People That Walked in Darkness, and two for Christmas Day, Unto You Is Born This Day a Savior and The Lord Has Made His Salvation Known, originate from Thuringian archives. These are further complemented by lively instrumental works. €17, plus shipping costs.

O liebes Kind
In the second half of the 17th century, Werner Fabricius (1633-1679) was an important musician in the city of Leipzig. Born in Itzehoe and trained in Hamburg by Thomas Selle and Heinrich Scheidemann, he studied at the University of Leipzig and later became it's university music director. He also worked as the organist at the Church of St. Nikolai. We have recorded Christmas songs and arias as well as instrumental suites by Fabricius. In addition to the vocal soloists, violins, viols, cornett, flutes, trombones, harp, theorbo, lute, harpsichord, organ and percussion can be heard. 17,- exclusive shipping costs

On the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the death of Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672), we proudly present a multi-part series entitled as »Schola Sagittariana« - Schützen's Schule. It contains pieces composed by Schütz’ numerous pupils, companions and contemporaries. It is our goal to give a representative and diverse overview about this music, which is rather less known and played today. YouTube - Playlist

Ein feste Burg
On the occasion of the 400th anniversary of Michael Praetorius' death, we have compiled a selection of vocal and organ compositions that are representative of Praetorius' ouvre. The CD includes works from the collections »Polyhymnia caduceatrix et panegyrica« and »Musae Sioniae«. The recording was made in the autumn of 2020 in the St. Mary's Church of Lemgo, using the historic organ built by Scherer in 1613. 15,- exclusive shipping costs
»The organ works come off splendidly […]. The vocal items are given outstanding performances by the ensemble, which comprises fine voices that blend nicely and have the flexibility this music requires. The contributions of the instrumentalists match the vocal performances in every way.« (https://www.musica-dei-donum.org)

St Matthew Passion
This double album is dedicated to the »Passio Salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi secundum Evangelistam Matthaeum« (1708), composed Johann Cyriacus Kieling. This St. Matthew Passion is written in a very affective mixed style between Heinrich Schütz and Johann Sebastian Bach.
It contains many short, song-like, expressive arias, pictorally designed recitatives and virutoso choral pieces. The text is strongly reminiscent of the sound aesthetics of the 17th century. 17,- exclusive shipping costs

Polyhymnia Exercitatrix
This CD contains the world premiere recording of Praetorius' »Polyhymnia Exercitatrix« (1620), a collection of small sacred concerts based on latin psalms and lutheran chorales. The recording was done in the summer of 2018 in the church of Panitzsch near Leipzig. 7,- exclusive shipping costs

Fürchtet euch nicht
This CD combines compositions by Johann Sebastian Bach and Georg Philipp Telemann with lesser-known works by Johann Christoph Schmidt and Christoph Graupner played by a small in chamber music ensemble, consisting of one solo singer, a baroque violin and Basso continuo instruments. 7,- exclusive shipping costs
Our older CD recordings have been created in collaboration with the label Finke-Audio. You can order remaining stocks from us by e-mail (